The other night one of the regular lounge lizards at Think-A-Holic Lounge told me he thinks the biggest reason that our little watering hole for publishing outcasts occupies no position in space is because Think-A-Holic Lounge is "mobile". He said Think-A-Holic Lounge has always been mobile and didn't I know that? He also said, in this day and age, "going mobile" is the only way to go if you want to remain competitive. He said it was the best competitive edge any business could have right now.
I wanted to tell him that any competitive edge nowadays has a half life of about fifteen minutes. I wanted to tell him that the real definition of "competitive edging" is to copy something somebody else just did and wait for somebody to copy your copy and then for you to go copy that copy. I wanted to tell him to go eat a cow pie, too, but I'm pretty sure he had no clue what a cow pie was.
So, I bought him a dram of think-a-hol and a Buxx Brew draft instead and went outside to get a breath of fresh air. When I looked up at the sky, this is what I saw (see pic) in place of the usual collection of stars and moons that surround our little cosmic home away from home. Then I went back inside to wet my whistle with a double think-a-hol, skipping the usual bubbly chaser that follows. All of a sudden I had a lot to think about.