Our regular Bar TV sits on a high shelf on the right side of the bar at Think-A-Holic Lounge and always has, as long as I've been imbibing think-a-hol here, with lots of bubbly chasers, of course. Now there's a new TV set on the left side of that high shelf. What do we get on that TV? Podcasts. Or something like podcasts. But more like video hackers having their say.
Don't laugh. This junk's a lot better than the tripe on the regular TV set. Except, of course, when they broadcast another one of those Senator-Tossing tournaments from Saturn or one of those extreme fighting events between male and female homonoids. Then the regular set is my favorite. Oh yeah, we still don't know what planet broadcasts that disturbing, but highly-addictive, stuff but the scuttlebutt around here is that these broadcasts come from Earth. Wow, that doesn't surprise me one bit.
Anyway, I tried not to be disturbed by this so-called "Wanted" broadcast by the Grays. But, when they go after Michael Casher, I can't help but feel a little threatened, too.
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