But the pepper-tongued old recluse did agree, however, to let us use his trademark masks logo if we altered it beforehand to fit our "sorry-ass loser decor" (his words), here at Think-A-Holic Lounge. Then the P.O.D. S.O.B stole my design and made it his official logo. What are you gonna do?
If you're an alter ego of somebody with a big-ass ego, then you do what he says and learn to like it. The old POD poop said now that he's got his branding iron out he's not stopping until the smoke clears. So, as of yesterday, Michael Casher's brand is all over us. It still smarts a little but we'll get used to it.
That's right, the little POD Napoleon put his altered brand on all his blogs, not just this one. Most of us don't give a damn anyway. As long as we get to stay mobile and exclusive, we don't care whose label we're under. If we inadvertently made a pact with the Devil none of us will ever be the wiser for it.
Besides, life is too short (and, in some cases, too long) to be worrying about whether or not someone has branded you for your own good or just tattooed something on your ass for the hell of it. If the "shoe" fits, just wear it. That's our motto. Besides, Angus McCloud might be the big-ass head bartender around here but this is still my barstool journal.