Last Wednesday afternoon at precisely five o’clock in the afternoon, Milky Way Time, a demonstrator of sorts (see pic) appeared in the Think-A-Holic Lounge parking lot out of nowhere. Just in time for many Solar System commuters like me to see him as we stopped off on the way home for a shot of the ol’ elixir and a single bubbly chaser.
It was as if the strange-looking protester had been suddenly ejected from a roving wormhole or something. By the way he was under-dressed, some of us regulars — who stared out the front window of the Lounge at him — thought he’d just blown in from 1960's Earth. Probably Woodstock, New York, USA, circa 1969. But, when we saw the sign he was carrying, we knew that it was actually 1980's Earth that he’d blown in from.
Angus McCloud, the big-ass head bartender at Think-A-Holic Lounge and the ghost of a dead poet from Scotland on planet Earth, said he was pretty sure that this particular alien creature was from Earth’s afterlife and that he had once been a close personal friend of Nancy Reagan.
Then Angus went out into the parking lot and kicked the protester’s butt clear to Kingdom Come, claiming that imbibing think-a-hol is a personal lifestyle choice as well as a guaranteed freedom protected by cosmic law.
We all laughed at that and then returned to our bar stools, ready to place our refill orders as soon as Angus had dispatched the annoying protester. After all, no one wants to be reminded of their vices, let alone be admonished by a complete stranger for having them. Especially not in public and not right after a hard day at the office.
It was as if the strange-looking protester had been suddenly ejected from a roving wormhole or something. By the way he was under-dressed, some of us regulars — who stared out the front window of the Lounge at him — thought he’d just blown in from 1960's Earth. Probably Woodstock, New York, USA, circa 1969. But, when we saw the sign he was carrying, we knew that it was actually 1980's Earth that he’d blown in from.
Angus McCloud, the big-ass head bartender at Think-A-Holic Lounge and the ghost of a dead poet from Scotland on planet Earth, said he was pretty sure that this particular alien creature was from Earth’s afterlife and that he had once been a close personal friend of Nancy Reagan.
Then Angus went out into the parking lot and kicked the protester’s butt clear to Kingdom Come, claiming that imbibing think-a-hol is a personal lifestyle choice as well as a guaranteed freedom protected by cosmic law.
We all laughed at that and then returned to our bar stools, ready to place our refill orders as soon as Angus had dispatched the annoying protester. After all, no one wants to be reminded of their vices, let alone be admonished by a complete stranger for having them. Especially not in public and not right after a hard day at the office.