Don't think for one minute that I like bots just because I write about them all the time. I don't like bots at all. I like people and creatures that are alive and I think that buying or renting a bot to do the job of a living creature who could really use the money, is shortsighted, if nothing else. But, I don't make the rules around here. I just follow them. Then I get to point an accusing finger at the bots that have been hired at Think-A-Holic Lounge. Like Beam Bot, Bot Boy, Brain Bot and Drive-Off.
And now, as if there aren't enough bots around here, snooping and guarding and pushing and shoving and even taking our money, the management just rented the latest thing in spy bots (see pic). As far as I know, this one doesn't even have a name, just a model number somewhere on it's spherical surface. All day long it just floats around spying on us when we drink and eat and even when we play darts.
Rumor has it that this annoying bot is supposed to be looking for pickpockets. Well, the only pickpocket Think-A-Holic Lounge ever had was Fred Fortune and we ran him outta here a long time ago. So, as far as I'm concerned, this spy bot is nothing more than another toy bot for Angus McCloud, our big-ass head bartender.
Rumor also has it that Angus is a regular customer at Bots R U.