On the other hand, Think-A-Holic Lounge occupies no space in the physical universe and its actual position in the space-time continuum cannot be pinpointed. That's a real plus for most of us Lounge regulars because most of us are hiding out here from someone or something and we like to keep our hideout a great big secret from most of the universe. Especially from the Grays (see pic). Except for Nazis and rednecks from Earth and Fred Fortune from the Martian Underground, Grays are the only other beings currently banned from Think-A-Holic Lounge.
Rednecks are banned because of their intolerance for anyone who isn't just like them. Fred Fortune is banned because he's a shoplifter, grazer, grafter and pickpocket. And also because we just can't stand looking at that damned hat and those stupid glasses anymore. Grays are banned from Think-A-Holic Lounge because they kidnap and torture people (especially human children from Earth) for medical and biological experimentation (and for their own amusement) and that pretty much makes them Nazis, in our opinion, whom we banned the day they invaded Poland in 1939, Earth Time.
Because we banned Nazis, rednecks, Fred Fortune and Grays early on in the game, we saved ourselves a lot of grief by not giving these creatures the chance to behave themselves when we knew damn well they'd take that inch of freedom and turn it into a yard of uncontrolled personal liberty.
Smile and make nice, that's our policy here at Think-A-Holic Lounge. But "be prepared for the worst", that's our motto.
Rednecks are banned because of their intolerance for anyone who isn't just like them. Fred Fortune is banned because he's a shoplifter, grazer, grafter and pickpocket. And also because we just can't stand looking at that damned hat and those stupid glasses anymore. Grays are banned from Think-A-Holic Lounge because they kidnap and torture people (especially human children from Earth) for medical and biological experimentation (and for their own amusement) and that pretty much makes them Nazis, in our opinion, whom we banned the day they invaded Poland in 1939, Earth Time.
Because we banned Nazis, rednecks, Fred Fortune and Grays early on in the game, we saved ourselves a lot of grief by not giving these creatures the chance to behave themselves when we knew damn well they'd take that inch of freedom and turn it into a yard of uncontrolled personal liberty.
Smile and make nice, that's our policy here at Think-A-Holic Lounge. But "be prepared for the worst", that's our motto.
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